Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mr. Magoo turns the big 3!!!

Mr. Magoo turned three this week! Wow! And, just like the other 2 monkeys, I can't imagine we ever survived before he was born. Now, he is our ball-loving sports star. On Friday, we played baseball (a daily event that last about 6 hours) and he threw up (not vomitted, but just threw-in-the-air-up... sometimes one must distinguish when discussing a toddler) a ball with his left hand and swung a bat with his right hand and hit the ball into the other room. That is what happens when mom and dad are tired of pitching.

His birthday was great! We took him to Toys R Us, where he picked out a new bat and ball (of course). As a family that evening, we went to Ruby's because they have a train that goes around. (Well, normally it goes around but it was taking a nap. But he didn't get discouraged and sad and shy...yet.) Then the waitresses brought him a sundae and started to sing to him and he just put his head down and wouldn't look up. What a kid. After they left he announced he was happy and dug into his hot fudge like any smart boy should.

Then, his evening was topped off with friends joining us for his choo-choo cake he had been asking for. We made it after school and had a great time sharing it.

We adore him because he is fun, happy, clever, energetic, coordinated, humorous, loving, and that much closer to being potty-trained. Right???



Bill and Tara said...

I can't believe that he is 3! Wow! Wish you were closer. That cake looks amazing.

Megan said...

Your train cake is fabulous!!!! Happy Birthday Eli

Angela D said...

Happy Birthday to Mr. Magoo!! I still think of him as a little baby. I love the train cake - such a little boy thing!